Feedback and Complaints

At KinDRed Clinic, we really appreciate feedback. We seek to continually improve our service and we can only do that by listening to your views and experience

We always strive to give you the best experience and we love to hear your positive reviews.

We have lots of wonderful 5 star Google reviews and we’d love for you to add to them:

We want to hear about anything we can do to improve. If you’d like to let us know about any concerns or in the rare scenario you’d like to make a complaint, please let us know as soon as possible. 

A complaint that is made verbally and resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction by the end of the next working day is not considered an official complaint. 

If you wish to make an official complaint, please do so in writing to Dr Hannah Chapman, Medical Director, is the responsible person for managing complaints. Complaints must be made within 12 months of the event that is the subject of the complaint, or the date that the matter came to the complainant’s attention. 

Dr Hannah will acknowledge receipt of a written complaint within 3 working days. It is likely a meeting will be arranged to find out all the details and then the matter fully investigated. An outcome will be presented to the complainant within 28 working days. We may involve our medical insurance company if necessary. It is our clinic ethos to anonymously share learning from any adverse events so that we can all learn and improve.